Tuesday, September 30, 2008
 Conference venue, the Casa Grande resort
The 7th
Brazilian MRS Meeting (VII Encontro SBPMat) 2008 completed its
third day of events, sessions, poster presentations, and the
exhibit. Three plenary lectures formed part of the technical
sessions during the day. The major event was the conference banquet
in the evening.

Properties of Metal Nanowires and Nanoporous
The first plenary lecture on
Tuesday was given by Prof. Brian Derby of the Univ. of Manchester,
UK. In nanoscience, mechanical properties of materials are
significantly influenced by the decreasing size scale. The focus of
Derby's talk was mechanical properties of metal nanowires and
nanoporous foam. There has been interesting recent work on
compression testing of Au nanopillars. Yielding was found to occur
in bursts and strength was found to increase with decreasing
diameter. In the present work, highly ordered anodic aluminum oxide
films with regular pore arrays were used as templates for the
electrodeposition of gold nanowires with diameters of 30 – 70 nm.
The nanowires were single crystals with different crystal
orientations. Compression testing was carried out using a flat punch
tip obtained from a Berkovich indenter by cutting off the tip. 70 nm
diameter gold nanowires had a yield stress of 600 MPa, while the
yield stress of the 30 nm diameter gold nanowires increased up to
1.4 GPa. TEM indicated that deformation appeared to be caused by
dislocation motion and possibly twinning. The yield stress had a
-0.6 exponent relationship with wire diameter, different from the
well known Hall-Petch relationship of exponent -0.5. The dislocation
starvation mechanism previously proposed by Greer and Nix appears to
be valid here but does not offer any predictive capabilities, said
 Gold nanowire arrays. (Credit: Brian Derby)
In the second part of his talk,
he focused on nanoporous gold obtained by leaching Au-Ag alloys. The
materials has a relative density of 0.2 – 0.45, ligament size of 5
nm – 500 nm and reported strength of 1 – 15 GPa. Size-dependent
yield behavior similar to that in gold nanowires and nanopillars was
observed. Derby then described a model for the foam for predicting
mechanical properties, assuming an open-cell foam comprised of
ligaments. The model showed a good fit to the date for relative
densities below 0.4. Interestingly, both nanoporous gold and the
nanopillar/wire data lie on the same trend line for
compression/bending strength as a function of diameter. However, the
two mechanisms are obviously very different. Derby also described
testing of nanoporous nanowires. In conclusion, Derby indicated that
size dependent strength continues down to the 5 nm scale.There is no
consistent mechanism and it is possible that something else is going
on, which is excellent motivation to continue this work.

Nanostructure and Properties of
In the fifth plenary talk of
the conference, and the second of the day, Gernot Kostorz (ETH
Zurich) focused on small angle scattering, using x-rays, neutrons
and electrons, as one of the important techniques to characterize
nanostructural features in materials. He started with a brief
introduction to scattering and compared the basic features of the
three types of radiation used for scattering studies. He then
presented some examples of recent applications. In particular, he
described small-angle scattering and diffuse scattering applications
in the fields of phase separation on the nanoscale, growth and
assembly of nanostructures on surfaces, and coupling of chemical and
magnetic inhomegeneities, emphasizing the progress in spatial and
temporal resolution achieved in recent years. One example he gave
was small-angle neutron scattering of Ni-rich Ni–Ti studied during
aging at elevated temperatures, which indicated a complex sequence
of phases during decomposition, involving two stages of metastable
coherent precipitation preceding the formation of the stable
hexagonal phase. Many details of nanostructured materials can now be
analyzed with great precision using these techniques. Kostorz's
message was that small-angle scattering is here to stay for
characterizing nanomaterials.

A New Model
for Dielectric Charging and Electrostatic
In the sixth plenary lecture of
the conference, Fernando Galembeck, from the Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, described a new model for
dielectric charging and electrostatic adhesion. Galembeck joined a
select few by challenging the almost universally accepted assumption
of electroneutrality of materials, suggesting a new paradigm for
explaining phenomena such as insulator charge inductance and
adhesion. Galembeck first recounted historical literature stating
that electrostatic charging, although well known, is poorly
understood. Controversy still exists as to whether the carriers in
insulator charge inductance are ions or electrons. Although some
believe that this is a surface phenonemon, there are currently no
widely accepted mechanisms for charge acquisition and dissipation in
insulators. Consequences include safety problems, such as dust
explosions, as well as issues in traditional technologies and
nanotechnologies, such a nanofabrication, where electrostatic forces
may exceed inertial forces for very small particles.
Early work in Galembeck’s
laboratory, employing Kelvin probe microscopy, scanning electric
potential microscopy (SEPM) or electric force microscopy (EFM),
showed that insulator surfaces contain complex but stable patterns
of nano-domains. More recently, analytical transmission electron
microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (ESI-TEM) showed
that carriers of excess charges in polymer lattices were ions
trapped during emulsion polymerization. This was not the case,
however, for charge carriers in easily charged insulators, such as
polyethylene and other thermoplastics, rubbers, cellulose and
silicate glass.
Galembeck said that calibration
of SEPM instruments led to a procedure for detection of
electrostatic patterning of sub-micrometer domains on silica
surfaces, and the verification of their dependence on the relative
atmospheric humidity. This led Galembeck to a new model for the
electrification of insulators. Dissociated water ions or ion
clusters are the charge-bearing species, which are deposited on or
removed from the solid surfaces according to water-vapor
adsorption-desorption. Charge transfer in dielectrics is coupled to
mass transfer across the solid-gas interface with a rate that
depends on the relative atmospheric humidity, which contributes to
surface conductance. Gelembeck applied his new model to the
formation and dissipation of electrified domains of several systems.
For example, it explains the electrostatic charging of paper and
polyethylene. In addition, the detection of the presence of ions in
dielectrics has led to a new model for electrostatic adhesion in
nanostructured materials; the remarkable but unexpected adhesion
between hydrophilic clay and hydrophobic latex particles, which
produces new and unmatched mechanical and swelling properties in
polymer-clay nanocomposites, is now understood.

Symposium B: Polymeric Nanocomposites for Packaging
and Other Applications in Engineering Nanocomposite from Brazilian
RAW Materials: Organophillic CLAY / Natural
In a contributed paper in
Symposim B, Guillermo Ruperto, from the University of Sao Paulo,
presented his research aimed at using nanocomposites from
organophillic clays instead of carbon black as fillers in automobile
tires. Rubber, of course, is a product native to Brazil, but so is
smectic clay. Ruperto said that there is 20-30 times more clay in
Brazil than petroleum in the world, which is the source of carbon
black. The smectic clays are treated with ammonium quaternary
compounds to form the organophyllic clays. The 40% carbon black
filler typically used was replaced by 10% organophylluc clay and 30%
inert inorganic material. Vulcanized rubber was then produced using
a standard procedure. In addition to being more environmentally
advantageous, the modified clays are one-third the weight of carbon
black and, when used as a filler, provide the same final volume. In
addition, mechanical characteristics, such as rupture tension,
rupture lengthening, and hardness, equal or exceed those of
vulcanized rubber filled with carbon black.
Symposium D: Powder Processing of Novel
Materials Characterizing simulated lunar
A poster presentation in
symposium D by Francisco Araujo Bonfim (Nuclear and Energy Research
Institute, Sao Paulo) and Davinson Mariano da Silva (University of
São Paulo) presented interesting work on simulating lunar soil
compositions and then trying to use this to potentially form useful
materials. The motivation for this comes about from future human
colonies that might be established on the moon and Mars. Since it
will not be cost effective to carry large amounts of material from
earth, it would be useful to use the material (soil) available there
for various purposes. The NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston has
developed several such simulants. In the present study, one of these
simulants designated as JSC1-2A that was developed from volcanic ash
deposit near Flagstaff, Arizona, was characterized using particle
size analysis, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis (DTA,
TGA), and chemical analysis. The material was found to be close in
chemical composition and structural characteristics to the lunar
material brought back by Apollo 14, by astronaut Alan Shepard and
his crew. In additional interesting work, the researchers created a
glass using this simulant material, showing that it is possible to
create glasses from lunar soils. Studies such as this can help
create a database of such compositions for future use.

Symposium H: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Applied to Biotechnology and
Agriculture Influence of processing parameters
on the morphology of polyaniline/poly(lactic acid) electrospun
fibers described by statistical modeling
Paulo H.S. Picciani, from the
Instituto de Macromoléculas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
presented his research on optimizing processing parameters for the
electrospinning of polyaniline/poly(lactic acid) fibers. Picciani
said that he chose electrospinning because it is inexpensive, is
easy to scale up, can produce fibers with thicknesses ranging from
nm to mm, and is applicable to a wide range of polymers. Because
precise fiber diameter is essential for many applications, Picciani
and co-researchers invested the main parameters that contribute to
electrospinning small diameter fibers, using hexafluor-2-propanol as
the solvent. Considering operational parameters, including polymer
concentration, applied voltage and flow rate, the researchers used a
factorial analysis to determine the processing conditions required
for fiber diameters ranging from 50 nm to 1300 nm. In addition a
statistical model was used successfully to fit the operational
parameters with a level of significance of p< 0.10. Empirical
modeling predicts the experimental results with good accuracy and
also indicates that polyaniline concentration plays the major role
in the process, although synergy with the others parameters is
Symposium J: Applications of Lasers in Materials
Processing Microwelding using a pulsed fiber
J. M. Drezet, from Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, presented
his work on constructing process maps for laser-beam welding of
aluminum alloys, which is a promising alternative to the riveting
currently used in the aircraft industry. One motivation for this
work is the desire to construct lighter aircraft, which would be
more fuel efficient, by increasing the Li content in aluminum
alloys. The weldability of the alloys, however, depends on the
content of Li and other components. Drezet and co-researchers
carried out laser-beam welding on three alloys, differing in Li
content. By applying analytical and numerical solutions together
with Rappaz-Drezet-Gremaud hot tearing criterion, weldability maps –
laser power as a function of welding speed – were constructed. The
maps define the region where the full-penetration keyhole mode and
crack-free weld seams are obtained. The agreement of the maps with
experiment is good.

Symposium L: High Resolution Electron
Microscopy Magnetic nanoparticle systems studied by high
resolution TEM
In symposium C, Leandro
Socolovsky (Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina) gave an interesting
presentation on using high resolution TEM (HRTEM) to study magnetic
nanoparticles. He presented two examples in his talk. In the first,
he focused on the Fe-Cu alloy system. Mechanical alloying is one way
to form Fe-Cu alloys. In addition, giant magnetoresistance is
observed in granular Fe-Cu systems wherein the GMR effect is due to
the presence of magnetic nanoparticles, which appears to be immersed
in a non-magnetic matrix. X-ray diffraction (XRD) interestingly did
not show bcc iron, only fcc Cu. HRTEM and XRD, along with first
principle calculations showed that mechanical alloying produces true
Fe-Cu alloys with two species of nanoparticles. One is formed by
tiny nanoparticles (3 mm diameter) which are rich in Fe and
magnetic. The second larger nanoparticles are rich in Cu, which
could be non-magnetic. In the second example, HRTEM and XRD were
used to look at silver nanostructures in a system where synthesis of
Fe3O4 nanoparticles capped with silver was carried out. Again two
species of nanoparticles, small (d~10 nm, iron) and large (d>20
nm, silver and iron with varying compositions) were detected. The
large nanoparticles showed silver in the shells. These studies
reveal the potential of HRTEM for studying nanoparticles and
structures, particularly magnetic ones. However, the full potential
of the technique is realized only when used in conjunction with
other techniques, said Socolovsky.

- The 7th Brazilian MRS
meeting is being covered for the Meeting Scene by Dr. Gopal Rao
(Materials Research Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA), and
Dr. Steve Trohalaki (Air Force Research Lab, Wright Patterson AFB,
Ohio, USA).
 Gopal Rao
- The Meeting Scene e-mails
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