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Working hours: 09hs às 12hs


Multiferroic Materials

Trends toward the increasing demand for electro-electronic device with high performance, versatility and miniaturization have led to increased interest in the development of new materials (single phase and composites) combining two or more physical properties for technological applications. Materials presenting such characteristics have been recently denominated active/smart materials. Among these materials classes the multiferroic materials (ferroelectrics-ferroelastics, magnetoelastoelectrics e magnetoelétricos), which have been investigated in mesoscopic structures and nanometric scale, are included. The term “multiferroics” was created to refer to materials that exhibit at least two ferroic properties simultaneously, whatever the nature of the order parameters. Despite the possible coexistence of these ferroic characteristics, a more detailed description of the interplay between these properties must be developed. Besides the increasing interest in the last years, from scientific point of view, investigations in this field are being devoted to processing methods and applications: thin films and nanostructures, materials for microelectronic and photonic, transducers, sensors and actuators.

This symposium presents an excellent opportunity physicists, chemists, materials scientists and materials engineers to discuss the recent advances in the field of multiferroics.


  • Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics, Dielectrics e Magnetics.
  • Multiferroics: magnetoelectrics, magnetoelastoelectrics, ferroelastics-ferroelectrics.
    • Single phase materials, Crystals e Composites (Synthesis and Characterization)
    • Films and nanostructures
    • Phase transitions
    • Domain dynamics
    • Simulation and Modeling
    • Nanoscale phenomena
    • Applications: magnetoelectrics, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, eletro-optics,...

Symposium organizers

José Antonio Eiras
Depto. de Física
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar

Roberto Luiz Moreira
Depto. de Física
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

Scientific comittee

Alejandro Pedro Ayala – UFC (CE) 
Antonio Carlos Hernandes – IFSC/USP
Sergio Gama – UNICAMP
Ivair A. dos Santos – UEM (PR)
Eudes Borges Araujo –UNESP – Ilha Solteira (SP)
Ducinei Garcia – UFSCar (SP)

Preliminary list of invited speakers

To Be Announced.



Copyright 2007 – 6th Brazilian MRS Meeting – Brazilian Materials Research Society
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