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Symposium A

Nanotoxicology and Nanoregulation: the safe use of manufactured nanomaterials

Scope of the Symposium

Nanotechnology is a strategic industrial and economic sector showing enormous potential benefits for many societal and environmental domains. Human exposure to manufactured nanomaterials present in consumer products may occur during several phases of their life, which creates a growing interest on how nanoparticles interact with living systems, but some points related to this topic remain a challenge. Innumerous studies are going on to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the interactions of nanoparticles with biological samples. The lack of scientific knowledge and the absence of evidence demonstrating the safety of some nanomaterials make regulation a challenge. Various agencies around the world, are providing specific regulatory guidelines for such materials before their commercialization. In this context, toxicology studies are providing information to guide regulatory decisions toward developing a safety regulatory network to enable the marketing of products before commercialization.
This symposium will discuss the toxicologic aspects of nanomaterials, a topic which is increasing over the world, and has been covered by international conferences. Moreover, it will be the opportunity to present the updates of the international agreement NanoReg between Brazil and EU for the standardization of production and safe use of nanomaterials. The symposium welcomes all researchers in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology that is interesting in the toxicology field. Brazilian and Europeans researchers, in particular, are invited to participate in the symposium as a way of identifying partners and potential collaborative projects between Brazil and EU, following the collaborative research program launched in 2014 by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil (MCTI) and Inmetro. The symposium will create opportunities for participants to present and share experiences, explore new directions and debate topics with experts from across the globe in the field of nanotoxicology.
We believe the symposium can still attract researchers from the Nanotoxicology networks supported by CNPq in Brazil, as well as researchers from latin america, USA and EU.

Abstracts will be solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas

  • Nanomedicine
  • Nanotoxicology
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Nanomaterials Regulation
  • Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications

Invited speakers
  • Prof. Dr. Kenneth A. Dawson
    (CBNI-UCD-Dublin-Ireland) [To be confirmed]
  • Dr. Marco Monopoli
    (Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) [To be confirmed]
  • Prof. Dr. Bengt Fadeel
    (Karolinska Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), C6, Molecular Toxicology) [To be confirmed]
  • Prof. Dra. Silvia Guterrez
    (Faculdade de Farmácia, UFRGS) [To be confirmed]

Symposium Organizers
  • Valtencir Zucolotto (Nanomedicine and Nanotoxicology Group, IFSC, University of Sao Paulo)
  • José Mauro Granjeiro (INMETRO, Brazil)
  • Juliana Cancino (Physics Institute of Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo)
  • Bianca Estevão (Nanomedicine and Nanotoxicology Group, IFSC, University of Sao Paulo)


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