
Until 31/08/2015

  • B-MRS member
    R$ 650
  • Non-member
    R$ 850
Post-Graduation student
  • B-MRS member
    R$ 350
  • Non-member
    R$ 470 (US$ ~ 185)
    R$ 350 * (US$~150)
Graduation student
  • B-MRS member
    R$ 200
  • Non-member
    R$ 260 (US$~85)
    R$ 200 * (US$~65)
Accompanying person
  • B-MRS member
  • Non-member
    R$ 200

After 31/08/2015

  • B-MRS member
    R$ 800
  • Non-member
    R$ 1000
Post-Graduation student
  • B-MRS member
    R$ 450
  • Non-member
    R$ 570 (US$ ~ 185)
    R$ 450 (US$ ~ 145)
Graduation student
  • B-MRS member
    R$ 300
  • Non-member
    R$ 360 (US$~115)
    R$ 300 * (US$~100)
Accompanying person
  • B-MRS member
  • Non-member
    R$ 300

* Students who have already made the payment, please send an e-mail to: to receive the refund of the difference paid.

Cancellation policy

Requests until 09/10, will receive 70% refund. The cancellation can be done directly in the conference website. Refunds will be done until 60 days after the conference.

After 09/10, no refund allowed, just registration transfer to another person. The no-show at the conference doesn’t imply the automatic cancellation of the registration.

- B-MRS adopted the international standard that classifies "post doc" as a professional.

Access the system to registration and submissions
Registrations are open Tourist Information Posters Printing Service

Important Dates
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