VII Encontro da SBPMat
English Version

  SBPMat - Brazil - MRS
Įrea de AutoresVII ExpomatContatoInscrição

- Outlines of symposia
- General Timetable
- Timetable of oral and poster presentations

(16) 3371-7698


Symposium G: Theoretical and experimental advances in the development of new materials


Elson Longo da Silva (Unesp,Araraquara)
Julio Ricardo Sambrano (UNESP, Bauru)
Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos(UFPB, João Pessoa)
Paulo Roberto Bueno (UNESP, Araraquara)
Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi (UNESP, Ilha Solteira)

Call for Papers:
Science of Advanced Materials

This symposium aims at discussing the impact of joint theoretical/experimental in order to improve the understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic solid state properties, such as ferroelectric, dielectric or conducting and photoluminescent properties.
The idea is to promote discussions that involve fundamental and technological aspects, leading to a better comprehension and prediction of the properties of devices based on technological materials.
We invite participants for the following areas:

  • Computational simulation applied to understanding the properties of nanostructured materials, surfaces and bulk;
  • Inorganic oxides candidates for electronic devices;
  • Theoretical analysis on energetic and dynamic factors in technological materials;
  • Development and application of state-of-the-art methodologies (classic, statistic and quantum) to new materials;
  • Molecules-surface interactions and reactions;
  • Influence of synthesis on the extrinsic properties controlled by the grain boundary or by the material structure;
  • Materials with potential applications for generation of energy and protection of the environment;
  • Nanomaterials with differential extrinsic properties – theoretical and experimental aspects.

Scientific Committee
Aguinaldo Robson de Souza, FC, Unesp, Bauru - Brazil
Alberto Paskocimas, UFRN, Natal - Brazil
Armando beltran, Universitat Jaume I Castellón de la Plana – Spain
Carlos Emmerson da Costa, UFPA, Belém –Brazil
Carlton A. Taft, CBPF, RJ –Brazil
Fenelon Martinho Lima Pontes, Unesp, Bauru - Brazil
Francec Illas, Universitat de Barcelona – Spain
Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos, UFPB, João Pessoa - Brazil
Ingrid Távora Weber, UFPE, Recife –Brazil
João Batista Lopes Martins, UnB, Brasília –Brazil
José Divino dos Santos, UEGO, Goiás –Brazil
Juan Andrés, Universitat Jaume I Castellón de la Plana - Spain
Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi, UNESP – Ilha Solteira - Brazil
Maria Gardennia da Fonseca, UFPB, João Pessoa –Brazil
Momotaro Imaizume, FC, Unesp, Bauru - Brazil
Nelson Morgon, IQ, Unicamp, São Paulo - Brazil
Paulo R. Bueno, UNESP, Araraquara, São Paulo –Brazil
Presley Cerejo, CEFET, Maranhão - Brazil
Sergio Ricardo de Lazaro - UEPG, Paraná –Brazil
Sidnei Pianaro, UEPG, Paraná –Brazil
Valérie Bouquet, Université de Rennes – France

Invited speakers
Carlos F O Graeff (UNESP)
Carlton Anthony Taft (CBPF)
Fabio Furlan Ferreira (LNLS)
Fernando Ruette (IVIC)
Francesc Illas (University of Barcelona)
Federico Rosei (Université du Québec)
João Batista Lopes Martins (UnB)
Juan Andres (Universitat Jaume I Castellón de la Plana)
Luiz Antônio Magalhães Pontes (UNIFACS)
Norge Cruz Hernández (Facultad de Química)
Oscar R Chamberlain Pravia (Petrobrás)
Sylvio Canuto (IF-USP)
Valérie Bouquet (Université de Rennes)















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