VII Encontro da SBPMat
English Version

  SBPMat - Brazil - MRS
Įrea de AutoresVII ExpomatContatoInscrição

- Outlines of symposia
- General Timetable
- Timetable of oral and poster presentations

(16) 3371-7698


Symposium F: Electrochemistry of Biological and Nanostructured Materials


Frank Nelson Crespilho (Coordinator)
(UFABC-Brazil) /

Ivo A. Hümmelgen
(UFPR-Brazil) /

Ana Flávia Nogueira
(Unicamp-Brazil) /

Koiti Araki
(USP- Brazil) /

The understanding of low dimensionality systems has been a challenge for the scientific community. In this context, electrochemistry has played an important role for understanding surface phenomena, charge transport and charge transfer, in addition to the application in sensors and devices for storage and energy conversion. The advent of nanobioelectrochemistry has opened up new ways to study enzyme immobilization, proteins and DNA. The aim of this symposium is to gather researchers that apply electrochemistry for studying novel nanostructures and biological materials. The focus will be on: low dimensionality system (nanostructured films, single devices, solid electrolytes, charge transport in nanostructured materials, supramolecular systems, spectroelectrochemistry, sensors, quantum dots, nanotubes and nanowires, modified electrodes with nanostructured materials, simulation, STM, SECM AFM applied to electrochemical systems); conversion and energy storage (nanocatalysts for fuel cells, electrochemical energy conversion devices, molecular electrocatalysis, nanostructures in the catalytic reform of fuels, photovoltaic cells, nanostructured semiconductors, batteries, hydrogen generation and storage) and nanobioelectrochemistry (enzyme immobilization, biocatalysis, biological fuel cells, biosensors, bioelectrochemical devices, electrochemistry of biological molecules, charge transfer in biological systems, bioinorganic systems, biomimetic charged interfaces and biological imaging).

Scientific Committee

Lauro Kubota (Unicamp, Brazil)
Edson A. Ticianelli (IQSC-USP, Brazil)
Fritz C. Huguenin (FFCLRP-USP, Brazil)
Aldo J. G. Zarbin (UFPR, Brazil)
Marilia O. F. Goulart (UFAL, Brazil)
André Pasa (UFSC, Brazil)
Lucia H. Mascaro (UFSCar, Brazil)
Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi (IQ-USP, Brazil)

Invited Speakers:

Arben Merkoçi (ICN-Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Pierre Labbé (DMC-Grenoble University)
Roberto M Torresi (USP)
Claude Deslouis (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)








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