VII Encontro da SBPMat
English Version

  SBPMat - Brazil - MRS
Įrea de AutoresVII ExpomatContatoInscrição

- Outlines of symposia
- General Timetable
- Timetable of oral and poster presentations

(16) 3371-7698


Symposium A: New Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Multifunctional Materials


Eduardo Nassar (Unifran, Franca, SP)
Paulo Sérgio Calefi (Unifran, Franca, SP)
Shirley Nakagaki (UFPR)
Sidney Ribeiro (Unesp, Araraquara)

Research in hybrid materials has experienced a 14% annual growth in published papers in recent years with increasing interest from a wide range of industries. Hybrid materials have currently a great impact on numerous developments including nanotechnology. This symposium is aimed at exploring various types of materials, including synthesis, characterization and applications. It will be a suitable starting point for those interested in the field. In the past few years, an increasing quantity of materials have been developed, with diverse chemical compostitions and shaped as powders, monoliths, thin films, membranes, or fibers. These novel materials offer a high degree of versatility in terms of structure, texture, and functionality.
The sol-gel processing of multifunctional hybrid readily yields both inorganic and hybrid organic-inorganic and has opened new avenues for research in advanced materials. The hybrid materials are promising for a host of applications including micro-optics and photonic devices, microeletronics, nonoionics and energy, environment, functional and protective coating, biomaterials, environmentally responsive materials, and biomicrofluidics.

The topics to be covered in the Symposium include:

Hybrid materials from silica and other organic-inorganic hybrids
Nanoparticles and hybrid films obtained with sol-gel processing
Hybrid Biomaterials
Composites based on clay
Applications of hybrid materials in
Solar cells
Adsorbing systems


Invited Speaker

Karim Dahmouche (UEZO)
Yoshitaka Gushikem (UNICAMP)
Tito J. Bonagamba (IFSC-USP)




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