ICAM 2009 - CD-ROM

  Symposium X:

Processing, structure and properties of advanced metallic materials

Over the last decades, we have witnessed and benefited from the development of numerous new technological systems. The development of these technologies emphasizes the importance of materials as the primary building blocks for engineering developments. On the one hand, the properties of materials have dictated nearly every design and every useful application that the engineer could devise. On the other hand, with the present sophistication of science and engineering of materials, it is no longer simply a question of being satisfied to design with existing materials. We are now requiring new materials with new properties to fit our designs. This is true in all fields of engineering. This search for new materials with improved properties now occupies an important position in the engineering world. 

A number of procedures have been recently proposed to aid the development of materials science and engineering. For example, the advents of the scanning tunneling microscope and the atomic force microscope, together with developments in electron microscopy, have opened new ways for the study of structure materials at the nano-scale. Advances in the field of fracture mechanics and its application to structural design and material selection have helped to offset some of the potential dangers posed by increasing technological complexity, and have undoubtedly prevented a substantial number of structural failures. The development of thermo-mechanical processing in steel industry changed the traditional concept of deformation processing, when the single operation to reduce thickness and to provide a desirable shape has been improved to product specific microstructures, with which are associated particular mechanical and physical properties. This Symposium deals with these topics, to show some of the new most important scientific and technological advances in materials science and engineering.

The objective of this Symposium is to discuss the relationships between processing, structure, properties and performance of advanced engineering metallic materials, with emphasis in new fabrication and characterization techniques.

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Novel techniques for microstructure characterization of structural alloys. 
  • Fracture mechanics applied to structural integrity.
  • Advances in light alloys (Al, Ti, Mg) for aeronautical and vehicle applications.
  • Recent developments in steels for automotive industry and for gas/oil pipelines.
  • Current trends in stainless steels.

Invited speakers/talks (confirmed):

Chad Sinclair: British Columbia Univ. - Canada

Tim H. Topper: University of Waterloo - Canada


Scientific committee members (confirmed):

André P. Tschiptschin: EPUSP - São Paulo

Waldek W. Bose Filho: USP - São Carlos

Luiz Paulo M. Brandão: IME - Rio de Janeiro

Jayme T.P. De Castro: PUC - Rio de Janeiro

Fathi A. Darwish: UFF - Niterói

Paulo Rangel Rios: UFF - Volta Redonda

Dagoberto Brandão: UFMG - Belo Horizonte

Paulo Modenesi: UFMG - Belo Horizonte

Ronaldo Barbosa: UFMG - Belo Horizonte

Margareth Spangler Andrade: CETEC - Belo Horizonte

Willy Ank de Morais: USIMINAS Cubatão

Ricardo A. Faria: ARCELORMITTAL Timóteo

João Batista Martins: ARCELORMITTAL Tubarão

Vicente Braz Trindade: Vallourec & Sumitomo - Belo Horizonte

Full papers: Journal of Materials Science (Springer) will publish Special ICAM 2009 issue(s) containing full papers of abstracts presented in this symposium provided such manuscripts are reviewed according to the Journal standards. Authors are invited, not obliged, to submit full length manuscripts.

For instructions, please check Full Papers Publication.

Symposium organizers:

Leonardo Godefroid
Federal University of Ouro Preto
DEMET – School of Mines
Campus Universitário – 35400-000
Ouro Preto, MG

Phone number: +55 (31) 3559-1586
Fax number: +55 (31) 3559-1561
E-mail: leonardo@demet.em.ufop.br

Luiz Carlos Rolim Lopes
Federal University of Volta Redonda
Av. Trabalhadores, 420
Volta Redonda, RJ

Phone number: +55 (24) 3344-3022
Fax number: +55 (24) 3344-3029
E-mail: rolimlop@metal.eeimvr.uff.br

Claudio Ruggieri
EPUSP – University of São Paulo
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231
Cidade Universitária – 05508-030
São Paulo, SP

Phone number: +55 (11) 3091-5350
Fax number: +55 (11) 3091-5717
E-mail: claudio.ruggieri@usp.br

Charles Martins
ArcelorMittal Tubarão
Av. Brig. Eduardo Gomes, 930
Serra, ES

Phone number: 55.27.33481777
Fax number: 55.27.33481740
E-mail: charles.martins@arcelormittal.com.br

Túlio Magno Füzessy de Melo
Av. Pedro Linhares Gomes, 5431
Ipatinga, MG

Phone number: 55.31.38292834
Fax number: 55.31.38293346
E-mail: tulio.melo@usiminas.com

Juan Perez Ipiña
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Av. Buenos Aires, 1400

Phone number: 54-299-4490355

E-mail: pipina@uncoma.edu.ar





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