ICAM 2009 - CD-ROM

  Symposium A:

Advances on Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications

Materials research for advanced nanocomposite materials and self-assembled nanostructures has established itself as a fascinating and attractive research field.  Nanocomposites relate to a variety of materials that are composed of nano-scale materials and combined in various methods to scale the properties of  the nano-scale  to the macroscopic world.

Understanding the chemical and physical properties of nanostructures fabricated by various techniques is of fundamental importance in evaluating their potential for technological applications in fields, like microelectronics, magnetic recording and devices, catalysis, energy storage, photonics, sensors, life sciences, etc. when used as building blocks on surfaces or in thin film functional materials. Nanocomposites are materials that are created by introducing nanoparticulates into a macroscopic sample material.  Part of the growing field of nanotechnology. The resulting nanocomposite may exhibit drastically enhanced properties. For example, adding carbon nanotubes tends to drastically add to the electrical and thermal conductivity. Other kinds of nanoparticulates may result in enhanced optical properties, dielectric properties or mechanical properties such as stiffness and strength.

The symposium will address but is not limited to the following topics of interest:

  • synthesis of nanocomposites, nanofibers, nanowires and nanoparticles by various techniques
  • functional nanocomposite materials
  • techniques for the characterization of structural and physical properties of the nanostructures
  • novel methods and strategies for self-assembled fabrication of nano-scaled materials
  • self-assembly of nanostructures on surfaces of materials, interaction with substrates and the influence on morphology, type, and properties of
  • organic-inorganic interfaces for molecular and electronic applications mechanical properties, thermal stability, chemical, surface electrical, surface properties.e.g. strength, modulus and dimensional stability

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Nanocomposites
  • Nano materials
  • Nanobiocomposites
  • Energy technology
  • Solar materials
  • Advanced materials


Invited speakers/talks (confirmed list):

  • Prof. Edwin L. Thomas, Insitute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, MIT, USA
  • Prof. Yoshihiko Takeda, Nat Inst for Mater Sci
  • Ray Suprakas, CSIR South Africa
  • Dr. Robin Gremaud, EMPA Research Center, Duebendorf, Switzerland
  • Douglas Blom, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Dr. Martina Luysberg, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany
  • Dr. Thomas Dittrich, Helmholtz Center for Materials and Energy, Berlin, Germany
  • Lionel Vayssieres, National Institute for Materials Science, International Center for Materials NanoArchitectonics,  Japan


Scientific committee members:

  • Martin Dornheim, Institute for Materials Research, GKSS Research Center, Germany 
  • David C. Bell, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard, USA
  • Wolfgang Jager, Institute of Materials, Kiel, Germany
  • Martha Lux-Steiner, Helmholtz Center for Materials and Energy, Berlin, Germany 


Full papers: Journal of Materials Science (Springer) will publish Special ICAM 2009 issue(s) containing full papers of abstracts presented in this symposium provided such manuscripts are reviewed according to the Journal standards. Authors are invited, not obliged, to submit full length manuscripts.

For instructions, please check Full Papers Publication.

Symposium organizers:

David C. Bell
Central Facility for Nanoscale Science
Cambridge, MA 02143

Phone number: 617-496-6794
E-mail: dcb@seas.harvard.edu

Wolfgang Jager
U. Kiel
Institute of Materials Science
24143 Kiel Germany EU

Phone number: +49 431 880 6176
E-mail: wj@tf.uni-kiel.de

Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso
Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia para o Agronegócio
Rua 15 de Novembro, 1452,
São Carlos – SP – Brasil – CEP: 13561-206
Phone number: (16) 2107-2804
E-mail: mattoso@cnpdia.embrapa.br





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