IX Encontro da SBPMat

G - Recent advances on Nanostructured Materials for alternative energy: production and storage

Main organizer

Edson Roberto Leite - UFSCar (derl@power.ufscar.br)


Aloísio Nelmo Klein - UFSC
Flavio Leandro de Souza - UFABC (fleandro.ufabc@gmail.com)


The aim of this symposium is to bring together scientist working in the different research areas, such as materials science, chemistry, physics and engineering to explore and discuss recent developments (theoretical and experimental). In summary, the symposium intends to provide an interdisciplinary forum to discuss the recent advances and future trends of the nanoscience in solar energy conversion and storage.


The low dimensional systems have revolutionized the science and technology in several areas, however, their understanding is still the great challenge of the scientific community. Alternative materials and devices to solar energy conversion (generation) are an excellent example of the exceptional gains in efficiency and stability with introduction of nanostructured materials. In this context, the nanostructures have played an improvement of surface properties, transport and charge transfer, as well as direct application as sensors and storage devices and energy conversion.


Invited speakers

Michael Gratzel
Brian O´Regan
Joachin Maier
Kevin Sivula
Enrico Traversa
Lionel Vayssieres
Prashant V Kamat
Radoslav R Adzic
Michael McGehee
Peter G Bruce
Anders Hagfeldt
J Schonman
Claes Goran Granqvist
C M Lampert

Brazilian invited speakers

Luciano Andrey Montoro
Fritz Hugenin
Fabio Henrique Barros de Lima
Paulo Roberto Bueno
Jairton Dupont
Ana Flávia Nogueira

Scientific Committee

Reginaldo Muccillo
Marco Aurélio de Paoli
Edson A Ticianeli
Roberto M Torresi
Henrique Eisi Toma
Agnieszka Joanna Pawlicka Maule
André Sarto Polo
Neyde Yukie Murakami Iha

Financial support

