IX Encontro da SBPMat

E - Titanium alloys: Fundamentals, Applications and Future Trends

Main organizer

Rubens Caram Jr. - UNICAMP (rcaram@fem.unicamp.br)


Claudemiro Bolfarini - UFSCar (cbolfa@power.ufscar.br)
Carlos Angelo Nunes - EEL-USP (cnunes@demar.eel.usp.br)
Carlos Roberto Grandini - UNESP (betog@fc.unesp.br)


The aim of this symposium is to discuss recent advances in theory, processing, characterization and applications of titanium alloys. It is expected the attendance of representatives from universities, research institutions and private companies.


Among the engineering materials developed in the last decades, titanium and its alloys play an important industrial role. Nowadays, titanium alloys are broadly applied in several fields, including aerospace, power generation, architecture, automotive, chemical, sporting goods, dental and medical industries. The large variety of applications is due to their exceptional properties, mainly the high strength to weight ratio, outstanding corrosion resistance and good biocompatibility.


Invited speakers

Prof. Dr. Raj Banerjee, University of North Texas, USA
"Phase Transformations in Beta Titanium Alloys"

Prof. Dr. Vicente Amigó, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Scientific committee

Antonio Carlos Guastaldi - UNESP - Araraquara
Antonio José Ramirez Londoño - LNLS
Carlos Ângelo Nunes - EEL - USP
Carlos Roberto Grandini - UNESP - Bauru
Claudemiro Bolfarini - UFSCAR
Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso - LNLS
Gloria Dulce de Almeida Soares - UFRJ
Hélio Goldenstein - EPUSP
João Batista Fogagnolo - UNICAMP
Lirio Schaeffer - UFRGS
Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira - EESC - USP
Sandra Giacomin Schneider - EEL - USP
Severino Jackson Guedes de Lima - UFPB