Microfluidics research: opportunities for material science
Prof. Glauber T. Silva, IF/UFAL PPG-Materiais/UFAL, PPG-Física/UFAL |
Young Researchers´School: Tutorial on Scientific Writing and the Editorial Process
Prof. Dr. Valtencir Zucolotto; Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP and ELSEVIER |
From nanomaterials to macromolecules: Innovative technologies applied to forensic science
Prof. Dr. Adriana Santos Ribeiro, IQB/UFAL; Perito Dr. Alexandro Mangueira Lima de Assis, Polícia Federal/AL, PPGMateriais/UFAL |
Opening Ceremony
Memorial Lecture
Welcome Cocktail
Plenary Lecture 1
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture 2
Plenary Lecture 3
Oral Session 1
Coffee Break
Oral Session 2
Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture 4
Conference Party at Maikai Show Bar
Plenary Lecture 5
Coffee Break
Oral Session 2
Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture 6
Poster Session 1
Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture 7
Closing Ceremony