XVII B-MRS Proceedings
Prefixo Editorial: 63273
ISBN: 978-85-63273-38-3



Young Researchers´School: Tutorial on Scientific Writing and the Editorial Process

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Valtencir Zucolotto, IFSC / USP

The " Young Researchers´School " aims to develop / improve / strengthen the skills necessary for researchers to do High Impact science, upon knowing the state of the art in specific areas. The School will be offered to under and Graduate students and post-docs.

It is hoped that researchers can optimize their potential in doing research, with regard to:

1) Development of national and international research projects with bold objectives, and implementation of high-level scientific research. Such an approach is essential to promote significant advances at the frontier of knowledge of each area.

2) Production of international scientific articles, through appropriate and efficient writing.

As a result, we expect to collaborate with the formation of high-level researchers, trained to recognize and act on the state-of-the-art in their fields, in a way to generate relevant knowledge and innovation for society.

Specific Points:

Target Audience: undergrad, Master Students, PhD students and post-doctoral

Duration: 4 hours (suggestion)

Participants: limited to 400 participants

Formatting: Lectures

Requirements: Auditorium and Data-Show

General Content:

3 modules:

- Module 1: High Impact Science and Research project writing

- Module 2: Scientific Writing

Topics: The Literary Genre of Scientific Writing; Structure and sections of a scientific article; Language

- Module 3: The Editorial Process

Topics: Understanding the main steps of the Editorial dynamics. How to minimize the immediate rejection of your manuscript.

Prof. Dr. Valtencir Zucolotto
Full Professor
Journal of Biomedical Nanoltechnology, Associate Editor
Nanomedicine and Nanotoxicology Book Series, Springer, Editor
Nanomedicine & Nanotoxicology Group Coordinator
São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil