Symposium D
Materials and Devices for Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Submit your paper to Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Materials are a key feature for development technologies that can enable us to mitigate the undesired effects of the combustion of fossil fuels. Materials and Devices for Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Protection is an interdisciplinary topic covering all aspects of the study and research of materials and devices, experimental and theoretical works, for renewable and sustainable energy production, conversion, storage, saving including fuel production and energy pathways for the future. This symposium opens the opportunity to meet experts to discuss new concepts, trends and developments in science and industry energy.
Session Topics:
- Fuel Cells
- Photovoltaic Solar Energy
- Thermal Solar Energy
- Wind Energy
- Energy Storage Devices and Materials
- Bioenergy
- Solar Fuels
- Simulation & Modeling
- Theory
- Systems and grid integration aspects
Invited Speakers:
Ifor D. W. Samuel, University of St Andrews, UK
Sergio Gama, UNIFESP, Brazil
Adriana C. Serquis, CONICET, Argentina
Andre S. Ferlauto, UFMG, Brazil-University of Toledo, USA
Symposium organizers:
Daniel Zanetti de Florio, Federal University of ABC, Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences, Brazil
Francisco das Chagas Marques, State University of Campinas, Institute of Physics, Brazil
Ana Flávia Nogueira, State University of Campinas, Chemistry Institute, Brazil
Fabio Coral Fonseca, Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research, Center for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, Brazil
Scientific Committee:
Alessandra Zenatti, UFABC
Ana Paula Cysne Barbosa, UFRN
Carlos Triveño Rios, UFABC
Charles L. Silva, UFV
Danilo Justino Carastan, UFABC
Eduardo Caetano Souza, IPEN
Elisabete Santiago, IPEN
Flavio Leandro Souza, UFABC
Gerson Luiz Mantovani, UFABC
Humberto Naoyuki Yoshimura, UFABC
Izete Zanesco, PUCRS
João Eduardo Benedetti, UNICAMP
Jorge Diego Marconi, UFABC
José Carlos Moreira, UFABC
Leila Cruz, IME
Luiz Fernando Setz, UFABC
Marcio Gustavo Di Vernieri Cuppari, UFABC
Marcos Jose Leite Santos, UFRGS
Pedro Augusto de Paula Nascente, UFSCar
Renata Ayres Rocha, UFABC
Sydney Ferreira Santos, UFABC
Vagner Eustáquio de Carvalho, UFMG
Vânia Trombini Hernandes, UFABC