Brazilian MRS Meeting Mapa do Brasil Brasil  Versão em português Realização


Symposium E: Surface Engineering: Protective Coatings and Modified Surfaces

Scope of the symposium

      The aim of this symposium is to offer an overview on the frontiers of research, technology and applications of protective coatings and surface modifications by plasma, electron, ion or laser beams. Physicists, chemists, materials scientists, mechanical, material, metallurgical and mining engineers working in the field are the target audience. Areas of particular interest will include, but will not be limited to

Abstracts will be solicited in (but not limited to) the following topics:

Symposium organizers

Fernando L´zaro Freire Junior (PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)

Israel Jacob Rabin Baumvol (UCS, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil)

Invited speakers (tentative list)

Thomas Hirsch (Stiftung Institut Werkstofftechnik, IWT Bremen, Germany)

Yip-Wah Chung (Northwestern University, USA)

Fernando Alvarez (UNICAMP, Brazil)

Amilton Sinatora (USP, Brazil)

Scientific committee members (tentative list)

Clodomiro Alves (UFRN, Natal, Brazil)

Francisco Marques (UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil)

Carlos Figueroa (UCS, Caxias do Sul, Brazil)

Pedro Grande (UFRGS, Prto Alegre, Brazil)

Ronghua Wei (Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA)

Sérgio de Souza Camargo (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Thierry Belmonte (Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy, France)

Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi (INPE, SP, Brazil)

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