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Symposium B: VIII Brazilian Electroceramics Symposium

Scope of the symposium

      Electroceramics is an important inter-disciplinary research area involving mainly physicists, chemists and engineers. Electroceramics is a very attractive area in Materials Science. It is large the number of journals and meetings with publication of many papers with potential technological impact. New materials with outstanding properties and potential technological applications together with old materials with actual technological applications and enhanced properties offer a broad field of research opportunities.

      This symposium, organized by the Brazilian-MRS intends to be a forum for all researchers and students (undergraduate, M.Sc., PhD and Pos-Docs) on electroceramics. The state-of-the-art of R&D on electroceramic materials will be focused with reviews of the present knowledge and forecasts for future developments. Emphasis will be put on the opportunities for exchange of experiences and discussions among researchers. Several features of R&D on electroceramics, including novel processing, experimental procedures and technological applications will be considered.

Abstracts will be solicited in the following topics:

Symposium organizers

Reginaldo Muccillo (IPEN, S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)

José Arana Varela (UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil)

José A. Eiras (UFSCar, S. Carlos, SP, Brazil)

Invited speakers

H. Birol - Brazil

D. Suvorov - Slovenia

R. Traversa - China

H. M. Jantunen - Finland

J. -H. Jeon - South Korea

Scientific committee members (tentative list)

D. Z. de Florio (UFABC, Santo André, SP, Brazil)

E. N. S. Muccillo (USP, S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)

F. C. Fonseca (S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)

J. A. Eiras (S. Carlos, SP, Brazil)

J. A. Varela (UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil)

P. I. Paulin F. (DEMS. Carlos, SP, Brazil)

P. R. Bueno (UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil)

R. F. Jardim (USP, S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)

R. Muccillo (USP, S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)

Financial support for the Symposium


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