Brazilian MRS Meeting Mapa do Brasil Brasil  Versão em português Realização General Schedule

Values of registration fee

until 07/31/2012

after 07/31/2012

Professional (SBPMAT member)

R$ 480.00
US$ 300.00

R$ 680.00
US$ 425.00

Professional (not member)

R$ 680.00
US$ 425.00

R$ 880.00
US$ 550.00

Postgraduate student (SBPMat member)

R$ 200.00
US$ 125.00

R$ 400.00
US$ 250.00

Postgraduate student (not member)

R$ 320.00
US$ 200.00

R$ 520.00
US$ 325.00

Undergraduate student (SBPMat member)



Undergraduate student (not member)

R$ 80.00
US$ 50.00

R$ 80.00
US$ 50.00

Accompanying persons

R$ 140.00
US$ 90.00

R$ 200.00
US$ 125.00

Registration open, click here to access the system.

The registration provides full access to the symposia, plenary lectures, opening ceremony, program book and other meeting material, internet WiFi access, coffee breaks.

Registration as Accompanying Person allows access to opening ceremony

Reduced registration fee rates are offered until July 31, 2012 (see registration fees table in the meeting website).

Enrolled as students should send a copy of the proof document by fax or e-mail to the Secretariat of the event ( ). If the student does not submit the document attesting, the respective difference in amount will be charged at the beginning of the event. 

Clarifications about the registration: (read carefully before starting your application)

Form of payment: bank transfer or deposit, payable in any bank until the expiration date. After the expiration date, a new docket can be generated in this site and the values ​​are updated according to the timing of the registration fee price list. If you want to use another payment method, please contact the event secretary.

After payment of the docket it is necessary to wait about 2 days until the Bank notifies payment to the event secretariat. You not need to send a copy to prove registration fee payment. The secretariat of the event will inform the participants that the payment was effected by e-mail. If the event secretary does not contact you informing about you payment, send an email to the same.

For submission of abstracts it is not necessary to pay the registration fee with invoice generation. Payment of Registration Fee can be made ​​anytime until the date of the event, according to the schedule of rates specified in the Table. However, for submitted abstract to be published in the “Book of Abstracts of the Meeting”, it will be necessary, after the abstract have been approved, that at least one author pays the registration fee until the date of printing the Abstracts Book (August 20, 2012 ).

Data for deposit:

(ATTENTION: will only accept deposits identified with CPF or CNPJ)

To: Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais - SBPMAT
Address: Rua Marques de São Vicente, 225 - Parte - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CNPJ: 05.030.601/0001-60
State Registration: Free
Registration City: 350353-4
Bank: Itau S / A (341)
Agency: 1108
Current Account: 35311-9


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