A) Magnetic and Superconducting Materials
B) Biodegradable Polymer Materials
C) Electronic Materials
D) Surface Engineering: fabrication, characterization, properties and applications of protective coatings and modified surfaces
E) Materials with Negative Properties / 8th International Workshop on Auxetic & Related Materials
F) Nanostructured Functional Materials for Advanced Energy and Environmental Applications
G) Molecular Modeling Materials Science
H) Structure-Properties Relationship of Advanced Metallic Materials
I) Sol-gel route to prepare new inorganic, hybrid and multifunctional materials
J) Solidification of metals and alloys
K) Supramomolecular organic materials for electronic, photonics and nanotechnology
L) Structure-Property Relationship of Ceramic Materials: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects
M) Advances and Applications of Electron Microscopy
N) Prospects for materials science with synchrotron radiation in Brazil
O) 1st Brazilian Symposium in Friction Stir Welding and Processing
P) Graphene