
Please note: The payment of the registration fee can be made at any time up to the event date, according to the rates specified in our website.

  • Abstracts must be written in English and submitted electronically. Each presenting author can submit only 2 abstracts. There is no limit for the number of abstracts in co-authorship.
  • Abstracts must contain only the text with the title, authors, affiliations, acknowledgments and references (maximum of 3) filled out directly on the site, using also resources of copy-paste. The abstract, acknowledgements and references will be submitted jointly and must contain a maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces. Do not leave blank lines between the abstract, acknowledgments and references. A template for the abstract is shown at the end of this page. After submission, please check if the pdf file created by the system follows the suggested format, otherwise your abstract may be invalidated.
  • All abstracts will be evaluated considering its technical-scientific characteristics, innovating aspects and the quality of the text. The abstracts will be either accepted for oral contribution, poster contribution or rejected. The preference of the author by the type of presentation (oral or poster) should be informed at the time of electronic submission of the abstract. However, the final decision will be made by the evaluation committee.
  • The accepted abstracts will be allocated in the XVII B-MRS Program in their respective symposia or in poster sessions. Once the final program is available, the authors will have a deadline to report any changes in schedules of presentations. After this period and during the event, NO change in presentation schedule will be allowed.
  • If the author is a student and wants to apply for the Student Award for best contributed work, an extended abstract of up to 3 pages in A4 format MUST be submitted in addition to the conference abstract, and edited according to the instructions of the attached template. The extended abstract should include title, authors, affiliation and text containing: abstract, introduction, experimental procedure, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and references, figures and / or tables with captions. The upload of this extended abstract must be done in PDF format, upon receipt of the acceptance of work.

    • The award will be granted at the closing ceremony only to those students present in the room
    • Only those students who wish to apply for this award shall send the extended abstract
    • Deadline for sending extended abstract: June, 18
    • Model - extended abstract for student award
  • The best works of each Symposium (1 oral and 1 poster), submitted by graduate and undergraduate students, will be awarded by the XVII B-MRS committee and may eventually be published in an International Proceeding at no cost to the authors. The quality of extended abstracts and presentation as well as the scientific contribution will be all considered as criteria for granting the award.
  • Plenary lectures, invited lectures and oral contributions must be presented in English.
  • The posters must be presented in English (typical sizes of 90 x 120 cm).
  • The Proceedings of the XVII B-MRS meeting containing all the contributions made during the event will be available only in digital form and can be obtained freely through download from the event page.
  • The Symposia organizers should be consulted about the possibility of submission and publication of the full text in indexed journals.

Access the system to registration and submissions
After submitting your abstract, please check if the PDF that is automatically generated by the system follows the format below


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