The "School of Scientists" aims to develop / improve / strengthen the skills necessary for researchers to do High Impact science, upon knowing the state-of-the-art in specific areas. The School will be offered to under and Graduate students and post-docs. Specific scientific writing courses have already been taught in other events by Prof. Zucolotto. In this case, however, we believe researchers can optimize their potential in doing research, with regard to:
1) Development of national and international research projects with bold objectives, and implementation of high-level scientific research. Such an approach is essential to promote significant advances at the frontier of knowledge in each area.
2) Production of international scientific articles, through appropriate and efficient writing.
3) Learn about the knowledge protection mechanisms and writing of patents. (to be confirmed)
Abstract Submission
FAPESP Application
Manuscripts publication
Symposium System
Posters Printing Service
Important Dates
Symposium proposal submission
Until February 11th
Abstract submission
Until May 30th
Until June 15th
Notification of the abstracts status
July 12th
Deadline for abstracts modifications
July 21th
Notification of the accepted abstracts
July 22th
Deadline for extended abstracts
Until August 22th
About Campinas