The Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) and the Organizing Committee of the XIV Brazilian MRS meeting invite the worldwide community of materials research to attend the 2015 Meeting that will be held at the SulAmerica Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro, from 27 September to 01 October, 2015. This traditional forum will be dedicated to recent advances and perspectives in materials science and technology.

Get directions to local (Metro Lines & map)

Plenary speakers

Ulrike Diebold
TU Vienna, Austria

Paul Ducheyne
Penn, USA

Nader Engheta
Penn, USA

Claudia Draxl
Humboldt University, Germany

George Malliaras
ENSMSE, France

Ichiro Takeuchi

Edgar Dutra Zanotto
UFSCar, Brazil



Convention Center SulAmérica
Av. Paulo de Frontin, 1 - Cidade Nova - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ



Official Hotel of the 14th. Meeting SBPMat 2015, Windsor Atlântica Hotel - Avenida Atlântica, 1020
Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ.

Recommended Accommodation
Low Cost Hosting

Registrations are open Tourist Information Posters Printing Service

Important Dates
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