The Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) and the Organizing Committee of the XIII Brazilian MRS meeting invite the worldwide community of materials research to attend the 2014 Meeting. This traditional forum will be dedicated to recent advances and perspectives in materials science and technology.

Lecturer Subject Affiliations Country
Prof. Alberto Salleo Organic electronic devices Stanford University United States
Roberto Dovesi Theoretical calculations applied to materials Universita' degli Studi di Torino Italy
Prof. Dr. Luís Antonio F. M. Dias Carlos Luminescence applied to nanomedicine Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
Jean Marie Dubois Specialist in quasicristal materials Institut Jean-Lamour France
Prof. Sir Colin Humphreys Specialist in GaN and microscopy University of Cambridge England
Prof. Dr. Karl Leo Solar and Photovoltaics Engineering Research Center TU Dresden Germany
Robert Chang Specialist education materials Northwestern University, Evanston United States

Meeting location

Local do evento

Centro de Convenções de João Pessoa
"Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima"

Rodovia PB 008 - Km 4 / João Pessoa - PB

Important Dates
  • Submission: until May 23th;
  • Submission including corrections: until July 10th;
  • Notification of the accepted abstracts: July 15th;
  • Deadline early registration: August 22th;

Access the registration system

Transportation - Convention center

Transfer from airports (JPA, REC e NAT)
to hotels

Transportation tips

The best works presented during the XIII B-MRS by students will be able to apply for the “Prize Bernhard Gross".

Memorial Lecture

Opening Ceremony: Memorial Lecture "Joaquim Costa Ribeiro", to be presented by Prof. Dr. José Arana Varela.

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SBPMat 2014